Directions To
The United Church Of Sun City

​​The church is located south of US 60 / Grand Avenue at 11250 N 107th Avenue, Sun City, Arizona 85351

From AZ 101 Loop:​

Take the US-60/Grand Avenue exit (Exit 11)
Turn west onto US-60 W/NW Grand Avenue
Drive 2.1 miles to N 107th Ave.
Turn left (South) onto N 107th Ave
Drive 1.1 miles to W Sun City Blvd.

The church will be on your right.


What Can You Expect When You Worship With United Church of Sun City?

  • Folks who are genuinely happy to greet you, and will, right at the door
  • A traditional worship service (though not "formal")
  • Sermons that invite you to think, but don't tell you what to believe
  • We celebrate the sacrament of communion on the first Sunday of each month and all are welcome. 
  • Music that lifts the soul, and is itself a prayer
  • A community of faith that reflects a wide spectrum of beliefs, but filled with people who are deeply respectful of one another's walk
  • A gathering of joyfully welcoming people who rejoice in what unites them
  • And don't forget to stay for coffee and snacks!


​​We don't believe any barrier should be erected to separate us from God! So our building is fully accessible, including automatic entry door openers. Hearing devices and large print bulletins are readily available; just ask an usher. 

We supplement our hymnals with projected words to the hymns, and we add illustrations on the screen to assist with the flow of worship and the sermon.

​​Sunday Worship Services​

We come together as a community to worship every Sunday morning at 10 a.m.

At the beginning of worship, we give announcements and share our joys and concerns. We gather the people together with the Call to Worship and sing hymns to praise God. Together we offer a prayer of confession and claim God’s assurance of forgiveness. We listen to musical offerings by our choir, praise team, and organist. Following the Lord’s Prayer, we sing a response and then collect our offerings to the church. We read scripture, and hear a sermon based on that reading. We offer prayers for those in need.

We celebrate the sacrament of communion on the first Sunday of each month and all are welcome.  Following our worship service, we gather for coffee, snacks, and fellowship.

Click here to see a recent worship bulletin

Listen to a recent sermon

Read our ONA statement

​​Read the United Church of Christ Statement of Faith

​Joining the United Church of Sun City

Interested in becoming a member?  Click here.

United Church of Sun City Small Group Outreach

United Church of Sun City is located in a retirement community and offers a wide variety of opportunities to connect with others.  There are men and women's fellowship groups, a walking group, a weekly Bible study, and several other outreach initiatives. In addition, we offer a first-class eldercare and visiting program.​

Healing Services

Healing Service is held once a quarter during the Sunday morning worship service. It's a brief service for healing of self and others.

Welcome to the United Church of Sun City